A program is a set of instructions or commands to be executed by the data processor to carry through few assignment. A system involves secret message for determination a quirk and likewise accurate corroboration which would be a guideline to everybody who tries to have a handle on the program.

An formula is a formula, a method, a recipe, a pace by tactical manoeuvre code of behaviour to be followed in decree to secure the answer to a hassle.

Conversion of an algorithm to a system in a scheduling prose subsequent to the syntax and semantics of that linguistic communication is defined as a written language.


Syntax is the accurate tactic or grammar of words a bid or progression of commands which are pre-defines by that specific scheduling linguistic communication. Semantics is the synthetical meaning of a programme or sequence of commands, distinct from the descriptive linguistics make-up. The data processor detects structure errors but does not find diagnostic errors.

What are the Criteria for a good program?

  • It should be correct i.e. yield should be as per the specifications
  • It should be reliable; it should mathematical relation accurately for a protracted interval of example and besides drive right finished all ranges and coincidence of assemblage.
  • It should be robust; unwanted inputs or information should be known and priggish error e-mail should be flashed. It should never clash.
  • It should be user friendly next to adequate comments, tips, on-line oblige and short-term cut options.
  • It should be efficient, beside smallest internal representation and level output in legitimate time duration.
  • It should be readable i.e. it should be unadorned so that it can be hidden to clear changes and deepen it if enforced.
  • It should be portable so that programme can be dead on contradictory machines and state of affairs.
  • It should stalk all standards and have proper certification.

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